The Mind-blowing Fact about AlgorithmsThe efficiency of an algorithm has a far greater impact on the program’s performance. This article covers the real power of Algorithm.Feb 8Feb 8
The Art of HashingHash Schemes, Functions, various ways to handle collision, static and dynamic hashing.Dec 25, 2024Dec 25, 2024
A Look at Confidential ComputingIn today’s world, data while in-transit is protected via many encryption methods. However, what about they’re being processed by the CPU?Jan 25, 2024Jan 25, 2024
Network Devices ExplainedThere are various types of network devices such as repeaters, hubs, bridges, switches and routers. knowing how they work is fascinating.Apr 22, 2023Apr 22, 2023
Published inMobile App CircularWhat to Do in the First 90 Days of Your New Job?A curated list of things to do during your first 90 days of a new job, to help you settled in the new organization, helps you achieve…Apr 16, 2023Apr 16, 2023
An Era of Virtual Threads: JavaThe concept of “Virtual threads” has gained considerable attention in recent times. This article deep dives into virtual thread concepts.Apr 11, 20237Apr 11, 20237
Top Behavioural Interview Questions and example Answers for Software EngineersBehavioural interview questions are commonly used by software companies to assess a candidate’s potential fit for a job role.Mar 19, 2023Mar 19, 2023
Deadlock, Livelock, Race condition and StarvationDeadlock, Livelock, Race condition and Starvation are the four nightmares when you develop a multi-threaded application.Mar 9, 20231Mar 9, 20231
You must be aware of File Descriptor LeakingA FD is a handle the operating system uses to track all the opened files or other I/O resources, such as a pipe or socket.Feb 15, 2023Feb 15, 2023
Is Checked Exception a Design Mistake in Java?The checked exceptions provides robust error handling. Still, The it has always been a controversial feature of the Java language!Feb 6, 20233Feb 6, 20233