Top Behavioural Interview Questions and example Answers for Software Engineers

Pradeesh Kumar
33 min readMar 19, 2023


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Behavioural interview questions are commonly used by software companies to assess a candidate’s potential fit for a job role. It focuses on past experiences and behaviours of the candidate, rather than hypothetical or theoretical situations. The interviewer asks the candidate a series of open-ended questions designed to elicit information about how the candidate has responded to specific situations or challenges in the past.

The questions in a behavioural interview are usually structured around specific competencies or skills that are essential for the role, such as problem-solving, communication, leadership, teamwork, and adaptability.

These types of questions allow interviewers to gain insight into a candidate’s past behaviour and experience, providing a basis for evaluating how they may behave in the future. In this article, we’ll explore some common behavioural interview questions that are frequently used in the software industry and some examples of answers to them.

How to answer a behavioural question?

The STAR method is a structured way of answering a behavioural-based interview question by discussing the specific situation, task, action, and result of the situation you are describing.

  • Situation: An event, project, or challenge you faced at work.
  • Task: The tasks and responsibilities you had in the situation.
  • Action: Steps you took to fix or complete the task.
  • Result: Results of the actions.

Common Questions and Answers

1. Can you describe the time when you had to solve a complex problem in your previous software development job?

This question is designed to assess a candidate’s problem-solving skills and ability to handle complex tasks.


Situation: In my previous job, we were tasked with building a new feature for our platform that required integrating a third-party API. However, the API was poorly documented and had a lot of inconsistencies, making it difficult to work with.

Task: My task was to figure out how to integrate the API and ensure that it worked seamlessly with our platform, despite the challenges.

Action: To tackle this problem, I first conducted extensive research on the API and studied all available documentation. I also reached out to the third-party provider for additional support and collaborated with my team to brainstorm solutions. Together, we identified the inconsistencies in the API and built workarounds to address them. I also wrote detailed tests to ensure that the integration was working as intended.

Result: In the end, our team successfully integrated the API into our platform, and the feature worked flawlessly. This allowed us to provide a better experience for our users and helped our company to stay competitive in the market. Additionally, my team and I were recognized for our hard work and problem-solving skills by our manager.

2. Can you tell me about a time when you had a conflict with your colleague?

This question evaluates a candidate’s ability to work collaboratively and manage difficult interpersonal situations. An effective response should demonstrate the candidate’s communication skills, conflict resolution abilities, and ability to work effectively in a team.


Situation: In my previous software engineering job, I had a conflict with a colleague over the best approach to solve a coding problem we were working on. My colleague had a different opinion than mine, and we couldn’t come to an agreement on the solution.

Task: My task was to resolve the conflict with my colleague and find a solution that would work for both of us.

Action: To resolve the conflict, I scheduled a meeting with my colleague to discuss the problem in detail. I made sure to listen actively to my colleague’s perspectives and ask questions to understand their reasoning better. Then, I explained my approach and the rationale behind it. We discussed the pros and cons of each approach and analyzed the potential impact on the project’s timeline and deliverables.

After a thorough discussion, we agreed on a compromise solution that combined elements of both approaches. We also defined a clear plan of action and set deadlines to ensure that we could implement the solution in time.

Result: In the end, we successfully implemented the solution, and it worked as intended. More importantly, the conflict with my colleague was resolved in a constructive and respectful manner. We also gained a better understanding of each other’s strengths and working styles, which helped us to collaborate more effectively on future projects.

3. Can you describe a project that you have worked on that required you to learn a new programming language or technology? How did you approach the task of learning and applying the new skill?

This question assesses a candidate’s ability to adapt to new technologies and learn new skills. A strong answer should include details about the project, the new language or technology learned, and the candidate’s approach to learning the new skill.


Situation: In my current job, I was assigned to work on a project that required me to learn a new programming language and technology. The project involved building a mobile application, and the technology stack included React Native, which was new to me at the time.

Task: My task was to learn React Native and use it to build the mobile application, ensuring that it met the project’s requirements and timeline.

Action: To learn React Native, I first conducted research on the technology, including reading documentation, watching video tutorials, and studying code samples. I also reached out to more experienced colleagues for advice and guidance. I set up a development environment and started experimenting with building small applications and features using React Native.

As I gained more confidence with the technology, I began to tackle more complex parts of the project. I also made sure to continuously test my code and seek feedback from my colleagues to ensure that I was on the right track.

Result: In the end, I successfully learned and applied React Native to build the mobile application, which met the project’s requirements and timeline. I also gained valuable experience and skills in a new technology that I could apply to future projects. My colleagues and manager were impressed with my ability to quickly learn and apply new technology, and I was recognized for my hard work and dedication to the project.

4. Can you me about the time you failed/mistake on a task and how you overcame it?

This behavioural question is asked to assess how a candidate deals with failures or mistakes in the workplace. Failure and making mistakes are inevitable in any job, and the ability to overcome them and learn from them is a critical skill. The interviewer wants to see how the candidate takes ownership of their mistakes, learns from them, and uses that knowledge to improve their work going forward.

Situation: In my current job, I was working on a project that involved developing a new feature for an existing application. I had been assigned to lead the development of this feature, and the project had a tight deadline.

Task: My task was to develop the feature within the given timeline while ensuring that it met the quality standards and requirements of the project.

Action: In the initial phase of the project, I spent a considerable amount of time researching and planning the development process. I discussed my ideas with my colleagues, sought feedback, and made changes to my approach based on their input.

Despite my planning, I encountered a roadblock while implementing a critical feature. I realized that I had made an incorrect assumption about how a particular component of the application worked. As a result, the feature was not working correctly, and the project was at risk of missing the deadline.

To overcome this challenge, I took immediate ownership of my mistake and informed my colleagues and manager about the issue. I worked with my team to identify the root cause of the problem, and we brainstormed various solutions to resolve the issue. We tested each solution rigorously and made adjustments until we found a workable solution.

Result: In the end, we successfully resolved the issue, and the feature was completed on time and met the project’s quality standards. However, I also learned a valuable lesson from this experience — to double-check my assumptions and take the time to thoroughly understand the existing codebase before making changes. This experience also taught me the importance of collaboration and communication with my colleagues to overcome challenges in the development process.

5. Can you tell me about a time when you were overwhelmed/went beyond your expectation?

This behavioural question is asked to assess how a candidate deals with stress, pressure, and unexpected challenges in the workplace. The interviewer wants to see how the candidate responds when they are faced with a demanding situation and whether they have the ability to manage their workload and prioritize tasks effectively.


Situation: In my previous job, I was working on a project that involved developing a new application feature. The feature had complex requirements and required me to work with a new technology that I was not familiar with.

Task: My task was to design and implement the feature within a tight deadline while ensuring that it met the quality standards and requirements of the project.

Action: To start, I spent considerable time researching the new technology and familiarizing myself with its capabilities. I also collaborated with my colleagues to gain additional insights and learn from their experiences.

During the development process, I encountered several challenges that initially overwhelmed me. However, I remained focused and determined to succeed. I broke down the project into smaller tasks, prioritized them based on their importance, and created a detailed plan of action to ensure that I was on track to meet the deadline.

I also went above and beyond my assigned duties by proactively identifying and fixing several bugs in the existing codebase. This helped to improve the overall quality of the application and earned me recognition from my manager and colleagues.

Result: In the end, I successfully completed the feature within the given timeline and met the project’s quality standards. My approach and dedication to the project impressed my manager and colleagues, and I received positive feedback for my work.

Through this experience, I learned the importance of breaking down complex projects into smaller manageable tasks and prioritizing them based on their importance. I also learned the value of proactive problem-solving and taking initiative to go above and beyond my role’s expectations.

6. Can you describe the time when you made a suggestion to improve something on the project that you were working on?

This question is commonly asked to assess a candidate’s ability to identify opportunities for improvement and suggest effective solutions. As a software engineer, it is crucial to have a strong problem-solving mindset and be able to identify potential issues and opportunities for optimization in a project.


Situation: In my previous software development job, I was working on a project that involved developing a new feature for an e-commerce platform. During the project, I noticed that the user interface of the application was cluttered and confusing, which made it difficult for users to navigate the platform.

Task: My task was to identify the usability issues and suggest improvements to the user interface design.

Action: I started by conducting a thorough review of the user interface and identified the key issues that needed improvement. I then brainstormed potential solutions and discussed them with my team members and project manager.

After researching best practices in user interface design, I proposed a new design that was simpler, more intuitive, and aligned with the platform’s branding guidelines. I created a detailed presentation that highlighted the benefits of the new design and how it would improve the user experience.

I presented my proposal to the project manager and received positive feedback. We then collaborated with the design team to implement the new design, which required a significant amount of coding work.

Result: The new user interface design was implemented successfully, and it significantly improved the user experience of the e-commerce platform. Our team received positive feedback from users and the company’s management, who praised our initiative and commitment to delivering high-quality work.

Through this experience, I learned the importance of taking the initiative to identify and suggest improvements to projects. I also learned the value of collaborating with team members and stakeholders to ensure that proposed improvements are feasible and aligned with the project’s goals.

7. Can you tell me a situation where you received constructive feedback from your manager?

This question is commonly asked to assess a candidate’s ability to receive and act upon feedback, as well as their attitude towards personal and professional development. As a software engineer, it is crucial to be open to feedback from managers and team members in order to continuously improve and deliver high-quality work. The interviewer wants to know if the candidate is willing to take feedback and suggestions and if they are able to use them to make positive changes in their work.


Situation: In my previous job as a software engineer, I was working on a project to develop a new mobile application for a client. As part of the project, I was responsible for designing and implementing the application’s user interface.

Task: My task was to ensure that the user interface was user-friendly and aligned with the client’s brand identity.

Action: After completing the initial design, I shared it with my manager for feedback. My manager provided me with constructive feedback, including suggestions for improving the layout, colour scheme, and overall user experience.

I took note of the feedback and incorporated the suggestions into the design. I also researched best practices for mobile app design and user experience to ensure that the final design was both aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly.

Once I had completed the updated design, I shared it with my manager again for the feedback. This time, my manager was very pleased with the improvements I had made, and they praised my ability to take feedback and use it to make positive changes.

Result: The updated user interface design was well-received by the client, who praised the app’s user-friendly layout and visual appeal. The application also received positive reviews from users, who found it easy to navigate and use.

Through this experience, I learned the importance of being open to feedback and suggestions from managers and team members. I also learned the value of taking a proactive approach to improve my work, even if it means going back and making changes based on feedback.

Overall, the experience helped me develop a growth mindset and a willingness to receive constructive feedback, which I believe are essential qualities for success as a software engineer.

8. Can you tell me a situation where your manager disagreed with your idea?

This question is asked to assess the candidate’s ability to handle constructive criticism, work collaboratively with others, and adapt to changing circumstances. As a software engineer, the ability to take feedback from managers and team members is crucial, as the field is constantly evolving and new technologies and methods are emerging. It is important for engineers to be able to work collaboratively with others and be open to feedback and suggestions, as this can lead to better outcomes and more efficient solutions.

Situation: In my previous job as a software engineer, I was working on a project to develop a new web application for a client. As part of the project, I was responsible for designing and implementing a feature that would allow users to search for products by various attributes.

Task: My task was to come up with a solution that would allow users to search for products in a fast and efficient manner.

Action: I researched different search algorithms and found one that I thought would work well for our application. I presented my idea to my manager and explained how it would improve the user experience.

However, my manager disagreed with my idea and felt that it would be too complex to implement. She suggested a different approach that involved using a simpler search algorithm.

I listened to her feedback and carefully considered her suggestions. After some additional research and testing, I agreed that her approach would be more feasible and ultimately better for the project.

I modified my original design to incorporate her suggestions and presented the updated plan to my manager. She was pleased with the modifications I had made and appreciated my willingness to consider her feedback.

Result: The final product search feature was successfully implemented and met the client’s requirements. The feature was well-received by users, who found it easy to use and efficient.

Through this experience, I learned the importance of being open to feedback and suggestions from managers and team members. I also learned the value of considering multiple perspectives when solving complex problems and the importance of collaborating with others to find the best solution.

Overall, the experience helped me develop a more flexible mindset and a willingness to receive feedback, which I believe are essential qualities for success as a software engineer.

9. Can you tell me about the situation where you handled sudden changes in the schedule?

This question is often asked to assess the candidate’s ability to adapt to unexpected changes in their work environment, and how they handle stress and pressure. In the software industry, changes in the schedule can occur frequently, as deadlines shift and priorities change. It is important for software engineers to be able to remain calm under pressure and quickly adjust their plans to accommodate changes in the schedule.


Situation: In my previous role as a software engineer, I was working on a project that was in its final stages of development. We had a strict deadline to deliver the product to our client in two weeks, and we were working round the clock to meet it.

Task: Just a few days before the delivery date, our client notified us that they had a change in their requirements and wanted us to add an additional feature to the product. This change was unexpected, and we had not accounted for it in our project plan. It meant that we had to make significant changes to the software, and it was likely to impact our delivery timeline.

Action: As the lead software engineer on the project, I quickly organized a meeting with my team to discuss the changes required and the impact on the project timeline. We reviewed the client’s requirements and identified the changes that needed to be made to the product. I then assessed the impact of the changes on our delivery timeline and made a new plan to deliver the product to our client on time.

To ensure that the changes were made efficiently, I divided the work into smaller tasks and assigned them to different team members based on their skills and expertise. We worked around the clock, including over the weekend, to ensure that we delivered the product on time.

Result: Despite the sudden changes to the project, we were able to deliver the product on time, meeting the client’s requirements. The client was impressed with our work and appreciated our efforts in meeting their additional request. This experience taught me the importance of being adaptable to sudden changes and the need for effective communication with the client and the team members to ensure successful project delivery.

10. Can you tell me about a time when a project took longer than expected?

This question is asked to gain insight into a candidate’s problem-solving abilities, time management skills, and how they handle pressure and unexpected setbacks. The question aims to understand the candidate’s experience of managing projects and to assess their approach towards handling unexpected issues.


Situation: In my previous role as a software engineer, I was working on a project to develop a new feature for our company’s main application. The project was estimated to take three weeks to complete.

Task: My responsibility was to design, develop, and test the feature to ensure that it met the requirements and was delivered on time.

Action: Midway through the project, I encountered a problem with the code I had developed, and I realized that the feature would not work as expected. I immediately raised the issue with my team lead and discussed potential solutions.

To address the problem, I proposed rewriting the code from scratch using a new programming language that I had recently learned. I then dedicated several long hours after work to learning and mastering the new language, which involved taking online courses and practising coding exercises.

With the help of my team, we were able to integrate the new code with the existing application, and we conducted extensive testing to ensure that the feature met the requirements.

Result: The project ended up taking an additional week to complete due to unexpected setbacks, but my team was able to deliver the feature on time, and it worked as expected. My proactive approach and willingness to learn a new programming language to solve the problem demonstrated my dedication to the project and my ability to adapt to unexpected situations. My team lead also recognized my efforts and provided positive feedback, which boosted my confidence and motivation for future projects.

11. Can you tell me a situation where you disagreed with your manager?

This question is asked to assess the candidate’s ability to handle conflict and express their opinions professionally. Disagreements or conflicts are inevitable in any workplace, and it’s important for a candidate to demonstrate that they can handle these situations maturely and constructively. Furthermore, this helps the interviewer to understand the candidate’s decision-making process and their ability to provide alternate solutions.


Situation: In my previous job as a software engineer, I was working on a project where my manager had requested me to use a particular software library for a critical component of the project.

Task: After reviewing the software library, I found that it had some limitations and potential security vulnerabilities. I raised my concerns with my manager and suggested using an alternative library that was more secure and reliable.

Action: My manager disagreed with my suggestion, stating that the library he had selected was widely used and had been tested by many other companies. However, I was not convinced and decided to gather more information to support my case. I conducted extensive research, gathered data and examples of the vulnerabilities in the original library, and presented my findings to my manager.

Result: After reviewing the evidence I presented, my manager agreed that the alternative library was a better choice and gave me the go-ahead to use it. The project was completed successfully, and the client was satisfied with the results.

In summary, by questioning my manager’s initial choice and presenting my case with evidence, I was able to persuade him to reconsider his decision and make a better choice for the project.

12. Can you tell me about a time when you faced criticism?

This question is often asked in a job interview to assess a candidate’s ability to receive feedback, handle criticism, and learn from it. This question helps the interviewer understand how the candidate handles difficult situations, and whether they are willing to take responsibility for their mistakes and learn from them.


Situation: In my previous software development job, I was tasked with developing a new feature for a client’s website. I worked hard on the project and was confident in the quality of my work.

Task: However, during the review process, my manager pointed out some flaws in my code and criticized my approach to solving the problem.

Action: Initially, I felt defensive and frustrated, but I realized that my manager’s feedback was essential to improving the project. I took notes on the feedback and reviewed my code with a fresh perspective. I also reached out to my colleagues and asked for their input on how to improve the feature.

Result: I spent the next few days making revisions to my code and incorporating my manager’s feedback. After the changes were made, my manager reviewed my code again and was impressed with the improvements I had made. The client was also pleased with the final product, and the feature was successfully launched on the website.

Reflecting on this experience, I learned that receiving criticism is an important part of the development process. It’s essential to listen to feedback, take it positively, and use it to improve the quality of the project. This experience taught me to approach criticism with an open mind and to be willing to make changes for the betterment of the project.

13. Can you tell me about a situation where you took the risk to do a task, and achieved it?

This question is asked to understand the candidate’s ability to take calculated risks and their willingness to step out of their comfort zone to achieve a task or goal. It also helps the interviewer to assess the candidate’s decision-making abilities, problem-solving skills, and attitude towards challenges.


Situation: During my time as a software engineer at XYZ Company, I was tasked with developing a new feature for our flagship product that required using a technology that I had never worked with before.

Task: The project was complex, and there was a significant risk that it might not work as intended. However, I was confident that I could learn the technology quickly and develop the feature within the given timeline.

Action: To achieve this task, I spent extra time researching and learning about the new technology, as well as seeking guidance from colleagues who were more experienced in it. I also created a detailed plan and worked long hours to ensure that I met the deadline.

Result: Despite the risk, my hard work and determination paid off, and I successfully completed the feature on time. The feature received positive feedback from users, and it helped increase our company’s revenue.

In summary, I took the risk to use a new technology, put in extra effort to learn and develop the feature, and achieved it successfully within the given timeline. The experience taught me that taking calculated risks and stepping out of my comfort zone can lead to great rewards, both personally and professionally.

14. Give me an example of How you set a goal for yourself and achieve them

This question helps the interviewer understand if the candidate has a growth mindset, is proactive, and takes ownership of their work. The software industry s a field that requires continuous learning and improvement. Setting clear goals helps in breaking down complex projects into smaller, achievable tasks and makes it easier to measure progress.


Situation: In my previous role as a software developer, I realized that I needed to improve my knowledge of a specific programming language to take on more challenging projects.

Task: I set a goal for myself to become proficient in the language within six months.

Action: To achieve my goal, I first researched and identified the best resources to learn the language. I made a study plan that included daily practice, online courses, and collaborating with colleagues who were already proficient in the language.

I tracked my progress regularly and made adjustments to my plan as needed. I also took on small projects that involved the language to apply what I was learning and gain practical experience.

Result: At the end of the six months, I had achieved my goal of becoming proficient in the language. I was able to apply my knowledge to take on more challenging projects and contributed significantly to the team’s success. My manager acknowledged my efforts and recognized me with a performance award.

This experience taught me the importance of setting clear goals, being disciplined, and tracking progress regularly. It also showed me that with determination and hard work, I can achieve anything I set my mind to.

15. What’s the biggest takeaway from your current job that you will remember throughout the year?

This question is asked to understand what the candidate values and considers important in their work. It can reveal their work priorities, their level of engagement and satisfaction with their current job, and how they approach their work in general. The answer to this question can also provide insight into the candidate’s future goals and aspirations. It is a way for the interviewer to assess whether the candidate’s values and goals align with those of the company and the specific role they are applying for.


Situation: In my current job, I was assigned to work on a project that involved migrating a large legacy system to a modern cloud-based architecture.

Task: As a part of the project, my team and I had to learn new technologies and programming languages to ensure a successful migration. We had to work under tight timelines and deliverables.

Action: I realized that effective communication and collaboration with team members and stakeholders were crucial to the success of the project. I made sure to set up regular meetings with the team and kept everyone updated on my progress. I also took the initiative to schedule one-on-one meetings with my seniors to get feedback and suggestions to improve the work.

Result: By the end of the project, we successfully migrated the legacy system to the cloud-based architecture on time and within budget. I learned that collaboration, communication, and taking the initiative to seek feedback and suggestions are essential to achieve successful outcomes in any project. This experience taught me to be proactive, a better communicator, and always keep learning to keep pace with the latest technology trends.

Takeaway: The biggest takeaway from my current job that I will remember throughout the year is that effective communication, collaboration, and proactivity are the keys to the success of any project.

16. What’s a setback in your career? (Any big failure curve and you overcome)

This question is asked to understand how the candidate deals with challenges or setbacks in their career. It helps to evaluate the candidate’s ability to handle difficult situations and their resilience in the face of adversity. By asking this question, interviewers aim to understand whether the candidate can learn from their failures and setbacks, as well as how they respond to difficult situations in the workplace. Additionally, the interviewer may be trying to assess the candidate’s self-awareness and honesty in acknowledging and discussing their challenges or mistakes.


Situation: In my previous role as a software engineer, I was assigned to lead a project that involved implementing a new system for a client. I had never worked with the technology stack before and was given a tight deadline to deliver the project.

Task: My task was to get the team up to speed on the technology and ensure that we delivered the project on time.

Action: I spent several weeks researching and learning the new technology, but despite my efforts, we encountered several roadblocks that slowed down the development process. As a result, we missed the project deadline, and the client was unhappy with the delay.

Result: This setback was a significant learning experience for me. I realized that I needed to take a more systematic approach to project planning, including properly assessing the risks and challenges associated with new technologies. I also learned the importance of communicating progress with the client and keeping them updated throughout the project.

Takeaway: This experience helped me to grow as a software engineer and taught me that setbacks can be opportunities for growth and development. I learned to be more proactive and strategic in my approach to project planning, and I now approach every project with a more open mind and a willingness to learn and adapt to new challenges.

17. Can you tell me about a time when you were given two conflicting priorities from two separate managers, how do you figure out how to proceed?

This question is asked to evaluate a candidate’s ability to prioritize and manage conflicting demands effectively in a professional setting. It is common for employees to receive conflicting priorities or directions from different managers, and it is important for them to handle such situations with professionalism and tact. Employers ask this question to understand how a candidate handles such situations and what steps they take to resolve conflicts while still maintaining a positive working relationship with their managers.


Situation: In my previous role as a software engineer at a large tech company, I was working on two projects at the same time, and each project had a different manager who had their own priorities.

Task: One manager asked me to prioritize the completion of a feature that required me to work overtime to meet the deadline, while the other manager asked me to work on a critical bug fix in the other project that required my immediate attention.

Action: To figure out how to proceed, I scheduled meetings with both managers separately to understand the impact of their requests on the overall project timelines and deliverables. I asked for more information about the urgency and importance of each task and shared my availability and the estimated time required to complete each task.

Result: After discussing with both managers, I was able to create a prioritized plan that satisfied both parties. I communicated the plan to both managers, which included a timeline for completing the feature requested by one manager and a timeline for fixing the critical bug requested by the other manager. I also ensured that both managers were aware of the other’s request and how it would impact the overall project.

Others General Questions

The questions below don’t require a specific situation-based answer or example. The interviewer looks for your approach to solving a specific problem based on your experience. You are expected to provide a straightforward answer.

1. If you are asked to develop an application without much input and requirement documents, what you will do?

This question is often asked in software engineering job interviews to assess a candidate’s problem-solving skills and ability to work independently. In real-world scenarios, developers may not always have clear or complete requirements when developing an application. Thus, this question seeks to understand how a candidate would approach such a situation and whether they can develop a solution based on incomplete information.


If I were asked to develop an application without much input and requirement documents, my first step would be to schedule a meeting with the stakeholders, such as product owners, business analysts, and end-users, to gather more information about their needs and expectations. During the meeting, I would ask questions to understand their goals and priorities, identify potential roadblocks and constraints, and clarify any uncertainties or ambiguities.

Based on the information gathered, I would then create a detailed project plan, outlining the application’s scope, timeline, and deliverables. I would also propose a software development methodology that suits the project’s needs, such as agile, waterfall, or hybrid, and discuss it with the stakeholders to ensure their buy-in.

Next, I would start with a proof of concept (POC) or minimum viable product (MVP), which is a small-scale version of the application that demonstrates its core functionality and features. This approach would allow me to receive early feedback from the stakeholders and iterate quickly based on their input. I would use this feedback to refine the project plan and adjust the application’s requirements accordingly.

Throughout the development process, I would also use various tools and techniques to ensure that the application meets the stakeholders’ expectations and is of high quality. For example, I would write automated tests, conduct code reviews, perform regular demos, and collect user feedback. These practices would help me to identify issues early and ensure that the application is built to the highest standards.

Overall, my approach to developing an application without much input and requirement documents would involve proactive communication, flexibility, and collaboration with the stakeholders, as well as the use of best practices and tools to ensure the application’s success.

2. What metrics do you use to drive positive change in your career?

This question is often asked in job interviews to assess a candidate’s mindset, goals, and self-improvement strategies.


As a software engineer, there are several metrics that I use to drive positive change in my career:

  1. Code quality metrics: I strive to write clean, maintainable, and scalable code, and I use metrics such as code complexity, code coverage, and code maintainability to measure the quality of my code. By continuously improving these metrics, I can enhance the overall quality of the software I develop and ensure that it is easy to maintain and extend.
  2. Performance metrics: I focus on optimizing the performance of the applications I develop by measuring key performance indicators such as response time, throughput, and latency. By monitoring these metrics, I can identify and address any bottlenecks or performance issues and ensure that the application runs smoothly and efficiently.
  3. Business metrics: Business metrics: I stay closely aligned with the business objectives of the company and use metrics such as revenue, user engagement, and customer satisfaction to measure the impact of my work. By understanding how my work contributes to the success of the business, I can focus on delivering value and driving positive change.
  4. Communication: Effective communication is essential for successful collaboration and project delivery. I strive to communicate clearly and consistently, actively listen to feedback, and be responsive to others’ needs. By improving my communication skills, I can build stronger relationships, resolve issues more effectively, and achieve better outcomes.
  5. Personal Development: Personal development metrics: I believe that continuous learning and development are essential for staying up-to-date with the latest technologies and trends in the industry. Therefore, I set personal development goals and measure my progress towards them by tracking metrics such as the number of books reads, courses completed, and new skills acquired. By continuously improving my skills and knowledge, I can enhance my career prospects and take on more challenging projects.

Overall, by using these metrics, I can continuously improve my performance, grow my skill set, and achieve my career goals.

3. What’s your strength?

This question is asked in job interviews to help the interviewer understand a candidate’s self-awareness and perception of their own abilities. It is an opportunity for the candidate to highlight their key strengths and provide specific examples of how they have demonstrated these strengths in previous roles or projects.


As a software engineer, one of my greatest strengths is my ability to solve complex problems in a logical and efficient manner. I enjoy breaking down complex problems into smaller, more manageable parts and finding elegant solutions to them. I am comfortable working with large amounts of data, algorithms, and intricate systems.

Another strength I possess is my strong communication skills. I understand the importance of effective communication in software development, and I make an effort to communicate clearly and concisely with both technical and non-technical stakeholders. This helps to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that we can work collaboratively towards our goals.

I am also highly adaptable and thrive in a fast-paced and dynamic environment. I am comfortable working with changing requirements and can quickly pivot my approach if needed. This enables me to stay productive and deliver high-quality work even in challenging circumstances.

In addition, I am a lifelong learner and am always eager to learn new skills and technologies. I believe that continuous learning is essential for staying up-to-date with the latest advancements in the field and for remaining competitive in the job market.

Overall, my problem-solving skills, communication skills, adaptability, and eagerness to learn are my strengths as a software engineer. I believe that these qualities have enabled me to make significant contributions to the projects I work on and excel in my career.

4. What’s your weakness?

This question is often asked in job interviews to assess a candidate’s level of self-awareness and ability to reflect on their own weaknesses or areas for improvement. It provides the interviewer with an opportunity to evaluate how the candidate responds to difficult or challenging questions and whether they can be honest and humble about their limitations. The interviewer is seeking to understand how the candidate approaches self-improvement and growth. A thoughtful response can demonstrate that the candidate is committed to personal and professional development, willing to take feedback, and open to learning new skills.


One weakness that I have identified in my work as a software engineer is my tendency to get caught up in the details of a project, sometimes to the point where I lose sight of the bigger picture. While being detail-oriented is an asset in software development, it’s essential to balance this trait with a broader perspective to ensure that the project is meeting the overall goals and objectives.

To address this weakness, I have implemented several strategies to help me stay focused on the bigger picture. For example, I regularly check in with the project’s stakeholders to ensure that I am meeting their expectations and that the project is moving in the right direction. I also make a conscious effort to take a step back from the details and think about how my work fits into the larger context of the project.

5. What type of person are you?

This question is often asked in job interviews to help the interviewer understand the candidate’s personality traits, and values, and how they may fit within the company’s culture. The answer can provide insights into the candidate’s interpersonal skills, work style, and approach to collaboration.


As a software engineer, I would describe myself as a highly motivated and detail-oriented individual who is passionate about creating elegant, efficient, and scalable software solutions. I have a strong work ethic, and I am always willing to go above and beyond to ensure that projects are completed on time and to the highest standards.

I am also a collaborative team player who values open communication and feedback. I believe that the best solutions come from a team effort, and I am always willing to contribute my skills and knowledge to help achieve our goals.

Additionally, I am a lifelong learner who is constantly seeking out new challenges and opportunities to grow and develop my skills. I am not afraid to step out of my comfort zone and take on new projects or learn new programming languages and technologies.

Finally, I value integrity, honesty, and respect in all aspects of my work and personal life. I believe that building strong relationships with colleagues and stakeholders is crucial for achieving success, and I always strive to treat others with professionalism and kindness.

Overall, I would say that I am a driven, collaborative, curious, and ethical individual who is passionate about software engineering and committed to delivering high-quality solutions.

6. Do you like to work in a team or as an individual?

This question is often asked in job interviews to help the interviewer understand the candidate’s preferred work style and how they may fit into the company’s culture and work environment. The answer can provide insights into the candidate’s communication skills, ability to collaborate, and work preferences.


As a software engineer, I am comfortable working both independently and as part of a team. While I appreciate the freedom and autonomy that comes with working independently, I believe that teamwork is essential for developing high-quality software solutions.

When working in a team, I enjoy collaborating with my colleagues to solve complex problems and leverage the diverse perspectives and skillsets of each team member. I find that working in a team allows us to brainstorm innovative solutions and provides opportunities for learning from each other’s experiences.

At the same time, I value my independence and believe that it is crucial for individual growth and development. I am comfortable taking ownership of my work and can work efficiently and effectively to meet deadlines and deliver high-quality results.

Overall, I believe that a balance between working independently and as part of a team is essential for success as a software engineer. By combining the benefits of both approaches, we can achieve our goals while continuing to learn and grow as professionals.

7. Why do you want to work for X company?

This is a common question asked to gauge the candidate’s interest in the company and their motivation for applying for the role. It provides the interviewer with insights into the candidate’s understanding of the company’s mission, values, and culture, as well as their alignment with the company’s goals. It also assesses the candidate’s fit for the role and the company. The interviewer is looking for evidence that the candidate has done their research on the company and understands what sets it apart from other employers. The interviewer wants to know if the candidate has a genuine interest in the company and if their career goals align with the company’s values and mission.


As a software engineer, I have always been passionate about creating innovative solutions that have a real-world impact. I have been following X company’s work closely for some time, and I am impressed by the company’s commitment to using technology to solve complex problems and improve people’s lives. I am particularly excited about the company’s focus on cutting-edge technologies, such as machine learning and artificial intelligence, which I believe have the potential to revolutionize the industry.

Additionally, I have heard great things about X company’s culture and work environment. I value a workplace that promotes collaboration, creativity, and continuous learning, and I am impressed by the company’s emphasis on these values. I am also drawn to X company’s reputation for investing in its employees’ professional development and providing opportunities for career growth.

Overall, I am excited about the prospect of working for X company because I believe that I can make a meaningful contribution to the company’s mission and work alongside a talented team of professionals who are passionate about using technology to make a positive impact.

8. Why do you want to leave your current/last company?

This is a common question asked during job interviews to gain insight into the candidate’s motivation for leaving their current/last role. The interviewer wants to understand the candidate’s reasons for leaving and what they are looking for in a new role.


As a software engineer, I have enjoyed my time at my current/last company, and I have gained valuable experience and skills that I believe will serve me well in future roles. However, I am now seeking new opportunities and challenges that will enable me to continue to grow professionally and personally.

One of the reasons I am looking for a new role is that I feel that I have reached a plateau in my current/last position. While I have been able to contribute to a number of exciting projects and initiatives, I am eager to take on more responsibilities and tackle new technical challenges that will push me outside of my comfort zone. I believe that X company will provide me with the opportunity to work on cutting-edge projects and technologies and to continue to develop my skills as a software engineer.

Another reason for my decision to leave my current/last company is that I am looking for a culture that values collaboration, creativity, and innovation. While my current/last company has many positive attributes, I feel that it is not as focused on these values as I would like. I am attracted to X company’s reputation for fostering a culture of continuous learning and innovation, and I believe that I would thrive in this type of environment.

Overall, I am excited about the prospect of joining X company and contributing to its mission and vision for the future. I am confident that the company’s values, culture, and focus on innovation align with my personal and professional goals, and I believe that I would be able to make a meaningful contribution to the company’s success.

9. What are you looking for in your next role?

This question is asked to assess the candidate’s goals and preferences for their next job. The interviewer wants to understand what the candidate is looking for in a role and whether the role aligns with their career goals and aspirations.


As a software engineer, I am looking for a role that will allow me to continue to develop my technical skills and expertise while also providing opportunities for personal and professional growth. Specifically, I am looking for a role that offers Challenging technical problems, a Collaborative team environment, Continuous learning opportunities, Positive work culture. Overall, I am seeking a role that will allow me to make a meaningful impact using my technical skills, while also providing opportunities for personal and professional growth in a collaborative and supportive environment.

10. What frustrates you?

This question is asked to assess the candidate’s ability to handle difficult situations and to understand how they deal with challenging circumstances in the workplace. This evaluates the candidate’s level of self-awareness and emotional intelligence. It allows the interviewer to understand how the candidate responds to frustration and stress, which are common in any work environment. By assessing the candidate’s frustration tolerance, the interviewer can gain insights into their ability to work under pressure, their problem-solving skills, and their ability to handle conflicts.


As a software engineer, I often find myself frustrated when I encounter a problem that I cannot solve immediately. I take pride in my problem-solving abilities, and when I encounter an issue that I can’t immediately resolve, it can be quite frustrating. However, I have learned to approach these situations with patience and persistence. I take a step back, gather more information, and sometimes consult with colleagues to brainstorm potential solutions. I believe that perseverance is key to overcoming any challenge, and I am always willing to put in the extra effort required to solve a difficult problem. Additionally, I recognize that frustration is a natural part of the software development process and that it is essential to maintain a positive attitude and continue to learn and grow as a professional.

11. Imagine it is your first day here at the company. What do you want to work on? What features would you improve on?

This question is asked to assess the candidate’s enthusiasm and interest in the company and the product. It evaluates the candidate’s level of curiosity and eagerness to learn about the company’s technology stack and product roadmap. It also assesses the candidate’s technical knowledge and ability to identify areas for improvement in the product.


If it were my first day at the company, I would first take some time to get acquainted with the team and understand the company’s goals and priorities. After gaining a basic understanding of the company’s technology stack and product roadmap, I would be excited to work on features that align with the company’s goals and provide the most value to our users.

In terms of feature improvements, I would first want to learn more about the existing product and identify areas for improvement. For example, I may want to explore ways to enhance the user experience, improve performance, or increase the product’s scalability. I would also be interested in working on new features that could potentially solve pain points for our users or provide additional value to our customers.

As a software engineer, I believe that continuous improvement is critical to the success of any product. Therefore, I would be excited to collaborate with the team to identify areas for improvement and to contribute my technical expertise to make meaningful changes that improve the product and drive business growth.



Pradeesh Kumar

Computer Science | Distributed Computing | Databases | Cloud